Designed to optimize E-Prime experiments for fMRI research.
EEfMRI allows you to synchronize the start of your experiment with the first scanner trigger pulse along with several valuable features to enhance the control you have over your experiment.
Most of the custom programming was easily achieved using E-Basic inline scripts, with the main structure of the experiment simply constructed using e-objects.
The aim of my research is to compare stereotyped responses to perceived hazards between novice and experienced drivers and to also compare physiological measures between these two groups. The basic set-up should be able to support other EEG studies that use non-static or interactive stimuli such as in computer gaming research.
The PowerLab 4/35 is connected to E-Prime through its digital input socket using an AD Instruments E-Prime cable. In this instance, we use Task Events to send trigger information to LabChart Pro.
As part of this research, I am using EEG to analyse brain activity during hazard perception and risk analysis tasks. As EEG involves traditionally static stimuli, in order to eliminate ocular artefacts and to have accurate event markers to produce a stereotyped Event Related Potential (ERP), I was faced with the option of reducing ecological validity by using static imagery or finding another approach. I turned to other areas in psychology for an alternative methodology and stumbled across the use of Eye Fixation Related Potentials (EFRP) in the reading literature. Reading suffers the same issues as driving in that looking at single words presented in the centre of the screen is not “reading” (Baccino, 2012).