GC-MS Application Pack: Analyze data from
GC-MS experiments; calculate and compare single and total ion chromatograms,
automatic peak identifi cation, and spectral library searching (using the Spectral
ID GRAMS Suite application).

The GRAMS IQ application extends the
capabilities of the GRAMS Suite with an
intuitive graphical user interface for creating
robust chemometric calibration models for
the laboratory and the production line. The
separate IQ Predict module can also be used
to deploy GRAMS IQ calibrations to multiple GRAMS/AI users.

Standard Data Processing Library: Baseline
correction (multi-point, polynomial fi t),
Peak fi tting (Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt,
and other functions), Smoothing, Derivatives, Automatic spectral subtraction,

Ready for the Enterprise
While the GRAMS Suite is an excellent tool
for the individual scientist, it also enables
large research organizations to realize increased productivity from using common
data processing software and sharing their